Constitution and Citizenship Day 2021 is officially observed on September 17th, 2021

Constitution Day is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens

AU will be hosting a Constitution celebration on Wednesday, September 15th, starting at 7pm in the AU Sunnybrook and Biscayne Campus locations. All AU students, faculty and staff are invited.

In addition to the above, during the week, in each class the faculty will be providing short presentation on the United States Constitution.

Why We Celebrate Constitution Day

As the fundamental or the Supreme law of the land, The Constitution is our most important guide to the obligations and the limitations of government in America. Constitution Day, September 17, is both an opportunity for celebrating our country’s unique achievement in crafting a written body of fundamental laws for the people’s government and it is also an important reminder of the knowledge necessary for good citizenship. As we know from the Declaration of Independence, the just powers of government are entirely derived from our consent. Constitution Day reminds us of those laws to which we give our consent as members of the body politic.

The Constitution of the United States of America

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

For more information on the US Constitution go to: United States Constitution


Additional Resources:

Constitution Day    https://constitutionday.com/

Constitution Facts       https://www.constitutionfacts.com/

National Constitution Center      https://constitutioncenter.org/learn/civic-calendar/constitution-day-civic-holiday

Find a Copy of the U.S. Constitution Here; https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript

Can influencers teach us something about digital strategy?

Can influencers teach us something
about digital strategy?

Original Post: https://auold.atlantisuniversity.edu/los-influencers-pueden-ensenarnos-algo-sobre-estrategia-digital-los-influencers-o-influenciadores-nuevos-expertos-en-estrategia-digital-han-conformado-una-industria-que-no-para-de-crecer-seg/

Following influencer accounts is an exercise that, in addition to entertainment, provides key elements on digital strategy, beneficial for any organization or personal brand.

Influencers, new experts in digital strategy, have shaped an industry that does not stop growing. According to data from the firm Fluvip, this market is expected to reach 10 million dollars a year in Colombia and 15 million dollars in Mexico during the same period.

Challenges, jokes, dramatizations, or lip-syncs are some of the contents that appear once you log in to any social network. Behind each photo or video there is a person speaking to millions of followers who are waiting for their next piece of content.

Faced with increasingly exorbitant figures, questions arise about the reasons for influencers’ incessant success. The same questions that led the company 1SEC (Japan) and digital artists Trevor McFedries and Sara DeCou (United States) to create virtual influencers, whose “movements” and publications are controlled from an office in their respective countries.

Beyond names and categories, there are realms of the influencer world that can be taken as lessons to understand why this industry has increased its boom in recent years.

Be Different

The way of communicating with their respective audience, the audiovisual language, and the way of producing diverse content are elements that make up a unique identity in apparently homogeneous markets.  This is what drives influencers’ high engagement and close community of followers. The site marketingdirecto.com sums it up in one sentence: don’t try to be better than others, be different.

Added Value

An essential starting point is the knowledge of the target audience. Influencers have understood this premise very well and, based on constant feedback from their own community, they manage to create content that meets the expectations of their followers. It is a basic listening process that materializes in decisions with a low margin of failure.

It’s not about me, it’s about us

The audience will only feel really involved and part of a community as long as it is recognized as a participatory actor. Interactivity and constant dialogue are what allow that feeling of closeness that not everyone manages to achieve.

 Trial and error

A common quality among influencers is their reckless attitude when testing new trends. Those who wait to see results in others are left behind when it comes to tools or ideas that can provide unique opportunities to remain relevant in an industry that is hungry for original content.

Behind each account in a social network, even virtual influencers, there are people working daily on a digital strategy aimed at standing out in the middle of a universe of information. If we stop for a moment and observe carefully, we will realize that there is passion, knowledge, qualities, and, above all, lessons that many times we ignore when, on the contrary, something could be learned from them.

¿Funciona el marketing viral como estrategia digital?

El marketing viral puede ser la base fundamental de la estrategia digital de cualquier tipo de organización. Para alcanzar el éxito en este propósito es importante educarse en el tema y estar al día con los contenidos y las tendencias de la actualidad.


¿Funciona el marketing viral como estrategia digital?

Jeffrey Rayport fue el primero en hablar de marketing viral en su publicación The Virus of Marketing (1996), bajo la siguiente premisa: “Cuando se obtiene un mensaje con poco tiempo, mínimo presupuesto y máximo esfuerzo, nada en el mundo vence a un virus”.

Si bien las teorías sobre publicidad y marketing siguen vigentes en la actualidad, con la proliferación de las redes sociales los contenidos virales son, en su mayoría, bienvenidos y mejor aceptados por los usuarios, pues los reciben sin prevenciones invasivas o comerciales.

Los profesionales y marcas que han comprendido dichas características han logrado resultados exitosos en sus campañas, ya que, una vez materializan su estrategia en una publicación específica, son los mismos seguidores quienes se encargan de compartirla y propagarla voluntariamente, por gusto, sin un compromiso u obligación por hacerlo.

Las ventajas del marketing viral

Por más comunes que sean los contenidos virales, estos no son tan fáciles de conseguir. Más allá de una dosis de suerte, detrás de ellos hay una gran cuota de creatividad y trabajo que persiguen unos objetivos claramente definidos.

Cuando todo lo anterior se da, los resultados son satisfactorios:

  • Alcance masivo: Gracias a las redes sociales, un contenido viral puede llegar, incluso, a públicos internacionales. Por ende, la necesidad de crear una estrategia sólida que encamine las metas que se pretendan alcanzar.
  • Costo moderado: El punto de partida siempre será el grado de creatividad que erige la idea. El trabajo de difusión estará en manos de los usuarios, algo que ahorrará mucho dinero, puesto que no se requerirá de un presupuesto ingente para el pago de anuncios.
  • Mejor rentabilidad: Al tratarse de una inversión baja, la rentabilidad será más alta y, sobre todo, rápida.
  • Branding: Los usuarios elegirán compartir contenidos posteriores, gracias a una fuerte identificación con la marca. Adicionalmente, el engagement será otro de los beneficios si la viralidad es positiva y se conecta con los intereses y gustos del usuario.
  • Mayor interacción: Sin predisposiciones ni suspicacias, será inevitable que las personas interactúen con el contenido; caso contrario cuando se trata de anuncios tradicionales.
  • Segmentación: Las métricas obtenidas brindarán una ´radiografía’ más precisa sobre las características y rasgos de los usuarios. Esto permitirá definir mejor el target para la creación de contenidos posteriores.

Uno de los propósitos del marketing, por antonomasia, consiste en reducir los niveles de aleatoriedad en las decisiones que se toman, como reflejo de una estrategia digital bien ejecutada. Por esta razón, un conocimiento profuso sobre su funcionamiento será indispensable para obtener resultados más fructíferos. El marketing viral no es ajeno a esta condición.       

Network Diploma Program: The knowledge you need to meet the market demand

Network Diploma Program: The knowledge you need to meet the market demand

Every day, the demand for professionals prepared to provide solutions to evolving IT needs is growing. Practical applications such as Design, troubleshoot implementation, virtualization, wired and wireless technologies, and business solutions through cloud technology are leading some of the trending profiles that all kinds of organizations are actively looking for.

The market trends and needs are some of the most relevant factors that we consider at Atlantis University when designing new programs. That is how our Network Diploma Program was born, to keep up to date with the employer’s needs.

The Network Diploma Program at AU will prepare students to work as entry-level network professionals. Also, it will prepare students for the CompTIA N+ and Cisco Certified Network Associate certifications.

This are the skills our students will develop with this diploma program:

  • Understanding of network topologies
  • Understanding of network protocols
  • Understanding of IP addressing (IPv4 and IPv6)
  • How to design a network (small business network)
  • How to troubleshoot network problems
  • Wired and Wireless Technologies
  • VPN connections (Client to site and site to site)
  • Virtual Networks
  • Competence to solve problems.
  • Competence to manage projects.
  • Competence to make decisions based on facts.
  • Competence to advise higher management of trends, risks, opportunities.
  • Competence to lead.

Regarding practical applications of knowledge and market trends, these are some of the ones our students will develop: Design, implement and troubleshoot small business networks.
Design small business solutions through cloud technology
Wired and wireless technologies
The Professor behind this Diploma Program
Luis De Leon, one of our School of Computer Sciences and Technology professors, specializes in networks and cloud technology. He has been working with networks for more than 30 years.
“It is great to see how bright the future of networking is. Every day, there are more requests for Network Professionals that understand Cloud technology and have the ability to connect on-premises infrastructures to Azure or AWS through VPN or SD-WAN.”

Professor De Leon is confident that to succeed in this arena, “networking professionals will need to know Python since networking is becoming more automated. This means the Network Professional will have to adapt to new trends and technologies, like SD-WAN, more reliance on Wireless technology like the new 5g and Wi-Fi 6. Everything is being virtualized, from servers, pcs to networking.”

“How IT professionals choose their tools and design their IT environments to be automated, virtualized, programmable, secure and scalable will surely be the difference between success and failure.” Cisco

Our students build their knowledge with real-life experiences

“Our students build their knowledge with real-life experiences”

There are two learning models used in today’s educational system. Academic and constructivist. Constructivism is a perspective on learning focused on how students create or build their knowledge out of real-life experiences.

This “hands-on” model provides opportunities for learning through real-life cases, work experience, tangible projects, and troubleshooting. The academic model uses lectures and textbooks to teach concepts and material. Both learning models have their benefits. You must understand the fundamentals before applying them to the experience before deciding which best suits your needs.

Which one is better?

According to Luis De León, Professor in Atlantis University School of Computer Sciences and Technology, “a hands-on program model is more effective for technology students. It exposes them to real-life scenarios; they make decisions based on real cases and build their knowledge through experience. They have the chance of making mistakes, correcting them and seeing the solution; they acquire the troubleshooting and exposure to the IT environment through physical labs, simulations, and virtualization.”

When we talked about specific benefits for students who go for hands-on programs over a traditional one, De Leon explained that the benefits are the experience that the student gains through lab equipment, troubleshooting different scenarios, and designing solutions for real-life cases. “The use of simulations and virtualization are just some of the factors that our students gain with programs like the ones we have at Atlantis University.”

Professor De Leon emphasized that it is essential for students in the IT area to achieve enough practical experience to pursue their degrees. “It is fundamental to complete their assigned labs, to be involved in the handling of equipment, to dedicate time for their simulations, and make use of virtualization.”

AU graduates become experts cybersecurity problem solvers

AU graduates become experts cybersecurity problem solvers

The technology sector does not have enough cybersecurity specialists. It is estimated that about 3.5 million professionals are needed to meet the current market demand.

If you are an experienced professional in ​Information Technology, if you want to learn new skills, and if you want to access more and better job opportunities, a Diploma Program in Cybersecurity could be everything you are looking for.

Our Diploma Program in Cybersecurity offers students the tools needed to enter the field with the highest job demand.

Professor Leonardo Baldizón, a researcher at NASA and Director of the Diploma Program in Cybersecurity at Atlantis University, explained: “We frequently see news of successful cyberattacks against well-known government or private organizations. These organizations need highly trained people to help them protect their critical infrastructure against common attacks that threaten their existence and the security of their data.”

“According to CyberSeek, there are more than 400,000 open cybersecurity positions in the United States alone and more than 100,000 that require an IT certification. At Atlantis University, we equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to obtain industry certifications that include: CompTIA Security +, CySA +, PenTest +, CASP +, ISC2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP), to name a few ”, ratified the Professor Baldizón.

The NASA specialist stated these are some of the skills that students who enroll in our Diploma Program in Cybersecurity will develop:

  • Information security fundamentals
  • Network Security
  • Intrusion detection
  • Deep packet analysis
  • Cryptography
  • Incident response
  • Risk analysis
  • Practical knowledge of standard security tools, including firewalls, anti-malware solutions, packet sniffers, vulnerability scanners, encryption tools, network monitoring, etc.
  • Troubleshooting techniques

Atlas: el nuevo aliado de los estudiantes AU

Atlas: el nuevo aliado de los estudiantes AU

¿Recuerdan los días cuando alguien necesitaba un certificado de notas, o una relación de pagos, y tenía que solicitarlo por correo electrónico y esperar unos días hasta que el área encargada enviara los documentos? Esos días quedaron en el pasado gracias al nuevo portal del estudiante: Atlas.

Atlas es una plataforma muy rápida y permite tener acceso a la información de manera inmediata y organizada, es 100% personalizable, y lo mejor de todo, les evitará a los estudiantes los antiguos procesos de solicitud de información”, explicó Natali Alvarez, Faculty Director.

El proyecto Atlas nació en 2020 como una iniciativa para darles a los estudiantes la posibilidad de acceder a su información personal y académica. “Nuestro interés inicial fue facilitarle la vida al estudiante. Era necesario crear un espacio digital en donde ellos pudieran acceder a sus notas, sus récords académicos, sus transcripciones, sus pagos, y además, a toda su información personal. Si hay discrepancias pueden darse cuenta rápidamente, si se mudan de domicilio o cambian de teléfono, ellos mismos van a poder actualizar sus datos dentro de la plataforma. De esta manera les estamos dando a los estudiantes el control de su información”.

El futuro de Atlas

Tras la digitalización acelerada del mundo en los últimos meses, se espera que cada vez más procesos sean trasladados al plano virtual con el fin de hacer todas las transacciones más ágiles y posibles desde cualquier lugar.

“Eventualmente el objetivo es que Atlas se convierta en la plataforma donde los estudiantes puedan registrarse ellos mismos, un proceso 100% digital en el que podrán seleccionar sus clases automáticamente y sus horarios. Será el espacio para brindarles más flexibilidad y la opción de ver qué otras certificaciones, cursos o programas podrían interesarles para fortalecer sus competencias, y a través de la plataforma, acceder a ellos”, concluyó la Faculty Director.


Nuevo Plan de Acción para mejorar la colocación laboral de los egresados AU

This week, AU implemented a New Plan to increase employment opportunities for Atlantis University graduates: Strategic curriculum design, interview training, and development of negotiation skills will be the three pillars of the new strategy.

 How will we do it?

We will divide students into three categories. Their needs will be assessed on an individual level to identify the most significant opportunities for improvement. Then, we will implement specific tools, competency training, and multimedia resources designed to mitigate the gaps. A special team will follow the students’ process and ensure the goals are met!

 Excellent work, AU team!

Nuevo Plan de Acción para mejorar la colocación laboral de los egresados AU

Un nuevo Plan de Acción para potenciar las oportunidades laborales de los egresados Atlantis University fue implementado esta semana: Diseño de currículo estratégico, entrenamiento para entrevistas y desarrollo de habilidades de negociación, serán los 3 grandes pilares de la nueva estrategia.

Un equipo multidisciplinario de Atlantis University tiene a partir de ahora la tarea de lograr que al menos el 85% de los egresados de la universidad, logren ubicarse laboralmente o ser promovidos en sus trabajos actuales, en un máximo de 6 meses después de terminados sus estudios.

¿Cómo lo haremos?

Los estudiantes activos serán clasificados en 3 categorías, según el momento en el que estén en su programa académico: Categoría A (8 – 10 clases completadas), Categoría B (4 – 7 clases completadas) y Categoría C (1 – 3 clases completadas).

Las necesidades de los estudiantes pertenecientes a estos 3 grupos serán evaluadas a nivel individual para identificar las mayores oportunidades de mejora. Una vez identificadas, los equipos de Soporte y Career Services iniciarán un acompañamiento personalizado con los estudiantes, implementando herramientas de aprendizaje específicas, entrenamientos por competencias y una amplia gama de recursos multimedia especialmente diseñados para mitigar las brechas identificadas.

“Esta estrategia nace como respuesta al compromiso que tenemos en Atlantis University de ofrecerles a nuestros estudiantes las herramientas que realmente necesitan para ubicarse laboralmente. No podemos conformarnos con ofrecer educación de calidad, debemos acompañarlos en todo su proceso desde que solicitan información sobre nuestros programas académicos hasta que ya están trabajando para una empresa y recuperando la inversión que hicieron en su educación”, explicó la Alta Dirección de Atlantis University.

¡Excelente trabajo AUTeam!

Tired of being the smartest in the room? Come to Atlantis University to enrich your knowledge!

Tired of being the smartest in the room? Come to Atlantis University to enrich your knowledge!

Vladimir Filipović came from Serbia to the States about 10 years ago. Thanks to his basketball abilities, and his height, he got a scholarship and went to high school in Texas and college in Mississippi. His finances’ abilities surpassed his sports skills and that is why today, after graduating from the Master in Business Administration (MBA) at Atlantis University, he will start a corporate finance career focused in wealth management.

“I would recommend Atlantis University because you feel you are in the middle of things as soon as you start. You are expected to show up with a certain level of tunning, awareness and topics on hand to discuss, but not just the topics that you studied for or you have experienced in your career but what is happening in the real world. You always feel in a professional ready-to-work, ready-to-get-things-done environment which is very demanding and helpful when it comes to learning and training.”

Diversity is a plus

Vlad, like his close friends call him, highlighted that the diversity of the classrooms at Atlantis University is a plus. “Based on my experience, AU didn’t feel isolated like other american universities and colleges. Having every classmate coming from a different professional and national background, definitely helps to create perspective. I remember working on case studies about logistics with a health professional, somebody that has been in the health industry for many years, and she helped me understand the way things work from her perspective and made me more knowledgeable.”

His favorite classes were “International Strategic Management and Leadership and Organizational Behavior, mostly because these classes were very hands-on with case studies and applied research. They got you to build a teamwork environment with your classmates and forced you to work through real world problems and in real time.”

Like most professionals, Vlad recognized the importance of having quality education in your curriculum, as well as valuable relationships that nurture your knowledge and help you to be more competitive in the global market: “You don’t want to be in a room where you are the one who knows it all, you want people around you who enrich your knowledge, your experience, your professional and social wisdom and help you to develop more skills. If that is your goal, you will find it at Atlantis University.”

Atlantis me ayudó a adaptarme exitosamente al mercado financiero de los Estados Unidos

Atlantis me ayudó a adaptarme exitosamente al mercado financiero de los Estados Unidos

Gustavo Eduardo Patiño ha dedicado su vida profesional a la Asesoria en Inversiones y proyectos Fintech, tanto en su natal Venezuela como en los Estados Unidos. Vive en la ciudad del sol desde hace un poco más de 4 años y hoy es socio de una de las firmas asesoras de inversiones más importantes del país con sede en Miami y Texas.

Actualmente, como Asesor de Inversiones y Portfolio Manager en Avila Advisors LLC, Gustavo ayuda a varias familias con la gestión eficiente de sus patrimonios y carteras de inversión, por lo que lo hemos invitado a que nos comente sobre su experiencia en el transitar del éxito que ha alcanzado, tras su paso por Atlantis University.

“Cuando comencé mi Master en Atlantis University tenía conocimientos básicos y avanzados dentro del ámbito de la profesión que estoy desarrollando como asesor de inversiones. Al llegar a un país nuevo necesitaba manejar conceptos en inglés y conocimientos propios de la dinámica norteamericana y mi alma mater me ayudó a entender eso y a desarrollar las competencias que me permitieron adaptarme exitosamente al mercado local”.

AU es una excelente oportunidad para cualquier profesional

Patiño asegura que estudiar en Atlantis University es una excelente oportunidad y un gran aprendizaje para cualquier profesional “no en vano Estados Unidos es uno de los países más importantes del mundo. Tanto para la persona que quiera y pueda quedarse acá como para el que se devuelve a su país, venir a aprender en una universidad norteamericana y entender la cómo funciona este mercado es una plusvalía que le ayuda a destacarse entre sus pares que no han vivido esta experiencia”

Sobre lo que más le gustó de AU destaca su asignatura favorita del MBA: Estadística. “La vi con un profesor espectacular que trabajaba para el Departamento de Estado haciendo análisis del mercado de capitales, aparte de utilizar las herramientas top en el mundo hacía análisis muy interesantes que yo disfruté siempre, fue una de las materias en las que más aprendí”. También recuerda de su profesor de Contabilidad, y uno de sus preferidos, que “todo lo que aprendí con el profesor Lemus fue clave para mí y para lo que hoy en día estoy haciendo”.

Orgullosamente Atlantean

“Si yo tuviera que volver a tomar la decisión de dónde estudiar volvería a estudiar en AU porque tuve la oportunidad de escoger mis horarios, los grupos de clase eran pequeños y muy cálidos, la calidad del pensum y la calidad humana de quienes trabajan en la universidad son increíbles, y adicionalmente, me dio la posibilidad de construir un grupo de amistades que hoy en día representan mi familia en los Estados Unidos. Todas estas son las condiciones que te ayudan dentro de tu formación para lograr el objetivo que tú quieras”.