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Digital Transformation for the Finance Industry

We serve at the division of consulting for Atlantis University. Our objective is to guide financial institutions on a path towards digital transformation, advising them on the implementation of better practices and development designed according to their needs.
A highly trained and interdisciplinary team that works with you to help you define and execute each stage of your clients’ digital journey.

Proposal Value





Applied science for the design and implementation of personalized tools that guarantee continuous learning and optimization of processes and applications in the financial sector.

Our products are designed for your needs


The SynergyLAB Applied Research model seeks to generate practical, functional and current knowledge, designed to solve problems manifested by different stakeholders in the financial sector. Our interdisciplinary team bases its findings on both segmented and global research, which seeks to identify the best practices in order to improve development and technologies, which resultantly, turn the digital experience into an intuitive, secure and scalable path.

Continuing education is one of the most effective ways to ensure the optimization of development and the implementation of better practices. For this reason, the modern-day company trend is to train their task forces in order to maximize their productivity and sustainability. 

Advantages of Continual Training

  • It improves the possibilities of acquiring new employment and business opportunities due to the continuous advancement of intelligence, skills, expertise and resources.
  • It promotes adaptability to change, facilitating the integration of dynamic work conditions for individuals
  • Contributes to the assimilation of the best practices related to stress management and assertiveness in the face of an ever-changeable environment.
  • Provide awareness related to changes in the digital sector.
  • Facilitates the grasp and study of new technologies.
  • Activates the development and creativity of the mind, maximizing critical thinking and strategic approaches.

With the assistance of a group of professionals with experience in both the financial and educational sectors, we offer a 4-week strategic playbook aimed at designing a strategic plan for the digital transformation journey of your institution.

Through an initial diagnosis, we will obtain a holistic and global overview that will permit us to identify the best opportunities for improvement in the digital field. The purpose of this process is to optimize the competitive edge of financial organizations, ensuring that the digital transformation focuses on these main piers, such as: people, development, and technology.

               Advantages of The  Playbook

  • Have an updated overview of the local and global industry and identify and emulate the best practices used in our most successful cases.
  • People are generators of change. The transition to the digital sector goes hand in hand with the understanding of technological tools, which is why people play a fundamental role in our proposal and part of our objective is to guarantee the funding of expertise in order to build exceptional organizations.
  • Generates personalized models of cutting-edge businesses and innovative opportunities.
  • A profound analysis of aggressive technologies to apply in the RoadMap.
  • Use of clever methods that promote and improve the “customer-centered” journey.

Outstanding world-class experts will join our Master Class in order to discuss the most in demand and discussed topics from today. The format we provide at SynergyLab will foster dynamic occasions for training, conversation and analysis of the areas that are mostly trending in our global industry.

  • Nuestro Synergy Lab es un referente del ecosistema Fintech que cuenta con la participación de bancos, emprendedores, fondos de inversión y gobierno. Uno de nuestros grandes objetivos es consolidar un HUB en la Florida, con cobertura para toda la región de LATAM
  • Cada 6 meses tendremos un DEMO DAY con mentores de alto impacto. En este espacio seleccionaremos las mejores startups de la Región.
  • Adicionalmente, realizaremos dos eventos anuales en los que participarán los mejores expositores de la industria financiera, brindando conferencias y fomentando foros de discusión que generen valor y contribuyan a fortalecer relaciones estratégicas y oportunidades de networking. 

Stages That Promise a Guaranteed Digital Transformation

Omar Arab

Executive Director.

Luis Miguel La Placa

Vice Executive Director.

Next Events

September 28 – MasterClass Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation basis Persons Technology Process ...
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Sept 9 – Lanzamiento LAB Finance

Evento de lanzamiento LAB Finance con invitados especiales ...
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1011 Sunnybrook Rd,
Miami, FL 33136